Although financial aid may seem complicated, your College & Career Center counselor and the financial aid officers at each college are available to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact people for assistance.
Several types of financial assistance are offered through the federal government, state government, private sources, and from the colleges themselves.
Scholarships and grants are gifts of money. Often they are based upon need. Sometimes, they are awarded for academic excellence or special achievements.
Loans are a significant part of most aid packages. They must be repaid, but most often not until after you graduate.
Work-Study is a part-time job on campus. For example, you might work in the library or as a food-service worker.
How do I apply for financial aid?
All students should file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) as soon as possible after October 1st of their senior year. Parents and students should plan to attend the Financial Aid Night on September 21st at Rocky. The Educational Opportunity Center in Fort Collins offers free help with the FAFSA (970) 221-4421.
How do I get more information on financial aid?
Request a free copy of “Funding Education Beyond High School” by writing to:
Federal Student Aid Information Center
P.O. Box 84
Washington D.C. 20044
Internet Address:
The U.S. Department of Education answers questions about federal student aid programs on their toll-free line 1-800-433-3243. For the deaf or hearing impaired, call toll-free 1-800-730-8913.
What is the formula for determining financial aid eligibility?
Eligibility for federal student aid funds is determined according to rules authorized by Congress. Family size, income, assets and number of family members enrolled in postsecondary education are among the factors taken into account.
With program costs so high, and the rising cost of living in general, shouldn’t I just look for the less expensive alternative?
Not necessarily. Expensive programs often have more financial aid to help families bridge the gap between the costs and what they can afford to pay. Match your interests with colleges’ academic programs first, then see if you can find a way to pay for your first choice.