Welcome to Rocky Mountain High School

Parents, thank you for sending your child to Rocky Mountain High School. We look forward to working with you as we build a community of students that are learners and are others-focused.  

Student attendance is taken every period of the school day. If your student is going to be absent it is imperative that you call and let us know. Below are the instructions on how to report an absence.

Call in method:

  1. Give student’s full name.
  2. Student’s ID number (this is essential as we have over 2000 students).
  3. Parent or guardian’s name.
  4. Date of absences and periods.
  5. The reason for the absence.

We will mark your student absent if a reason is NOT given.

ParentVUE method:

  1. Go to the PSD website at https://www.psdschools.org/
  2. Select Parents in the blue at the middle of the page.
  3. Scroll down under Quick Links on the right side of the page and select ParentVUE.
  4. Select the blue ParentVUE tab on the next page right in the center.
  5. Select I am a Parent.
  6. Enter username and password.
  7. Once in ParentVUE select the blue Report an Absence tool.
  8. Enter date(s), reason, and a brief note to explain why.

We will mark your student absent if a reason is NOT given.

  1. Press the blue save button at the bottom right.

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