NIDA and the Kids Health website has a wealth of information relating to issues faced by teenage students.
Topics for Teens
- Drugs: What You Should Know
- Cutting
- Energy Drinks and Food Bars
- Suicide
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Eating Disorders
- Date Rape
- Teen Stress
- Teen Depression
- Marijuana
Answers to Teens' Questions
- How can I stop cutting?
- Why do I fight with my parents so much?
- Can I prevent Acne?
- Body Piercing
- What causes bad breath?
- Why am I in such a bad mood?
- Five ways to fight depression
- Coping with an alcoholic parent
- I think I may have a drinking/drug problem, what should I do?
- How can I deal with my anger?
- How can I improve my self esteem?
- Food and Fitness
- How much sleep do I need?
- Test Anxiety
- Coping with Cliques
- Other Q & A's
Other resources: - has published a comprehensive guide of online resources that are available for teenagers to explore and pursue help around mental or emotional difficulties they may be experiencing during this unique time.