PSAT/NMSQT is given in October (this exam is optional and primarily just given to Juniors. Juniors must take the NMSQT in order to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program). The PSAT 10 will be given to all Sophomores in Colorado in April.
The PSAT/NMSQT (Practice SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) measures critical reading, math reasoning, and writing skills. The PSAT/NMSQT October exam is a way to qualify for National Merit money and also is a great practice test for Juniors who will take the SAT in the Spring throughout Colorado. The PSAT/NMSQT measures knowledge and skills developed through years of study in a wide range of courses as well as through experiences outside the classroom. It is slightly shorter and easier than the SAT, so it is a good introduction to college entrance tests. A detailed score report will be sent to your student’s email account by College Board. Counselors can review results with students if needed.
The junior year is the only year that students are eligible to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program, so juniors who tend to score in the 90% and above on standardized testing should take the PSAT NMSQT in October. All Sophomores in Colorado will now take the regular PSAT in the Spring so they do not need to take the October exam.
2022 fee is $22.00. Registration will open on September 1st. The deadline to sign up and pay at the fee window or through school pay is October 7th OR when the tests run out since there is a limited number.
Test given October 12, 2022 (This is the National Test day).
Bring ID, three #2 non mechanical pencils, calculator,
Contact Betsy Flowers for questions.
In addition, you can contact the PSAT/NMSQT office at if you have questions, comments, or suggestions about test registration, administration, or score reports.
Below is a link that will help your student understand scores:
Understanding PSAT Results Presentation
In Colorado, the SAT is administered to all juniors in late April. For this mandatory test, all registration will take place at school in early April. Students are welcome to take any of the national tests before or after this date. Visit here for the most up-to-date information about the SAT test.
The SAT consists of three sections:
Reading: The critical reading section consists of 52 questions in 65 minutes. Questions assess reading skills, ability to identify genre, relationships among parts of text, cause and effect, rhetorical devices, and comparative arguments.
Math: The math section consists of 58 questions in 80 minutes. It includes topics such as numbers and operations, algebra and functions, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics and probability.
Writing and Language: The 35 minute writing section consists 44 multiple-choice questions.
See the College Board for additional information about SAT Subject Tests.
The SAT is scored on a scale of 200-800 for all three sections. The College Board sets the average for all test takers at 500 for each (508 critical reading) and (514 math).
To prepare for the SAT please visit the SAT Preparation Center.
SAT Test Dates can be found HERE
How do I register?
Register online at You are responsible for registering and paying your fee directly to SAT. Fees are $55.00. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may receive a fee waiver from their counselor or the College and Career Center.