Home of the Lobos

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Brianna Rumley

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About Me

Short Personal Description: 

I am a Colorado native and a NoCo native as well and went to school through PSD. I grew up in Bellvue where my family raised chickens and had horses, both full sized and miniature. Bellvue is still home to me even though I no longer living there but it will forever be my oasis. I have been fortunate enough to travel outside of the U.S. to El Salvador where I spent half of a summer cooking, eating, and experiencing life in a third world country in the town of San Rafael Obrajuelos before returning to the states to get my masters. I now have made it a goal to travel with my coleagues and students every summer to different countries around the world such as Costa Rica, Panama, Spain, France and Italy. I hope to travel even more when the opportunity arises but for now I am happy to be a member of the RMHS family and share my life experiences with my students. 

Educational and Professional Background: 

I earned my BA in 2013 at C.S.U. in Spanish and then continued on to earn my MA in Spanish at C.S.U. as well. I taught at C.S.U. while working on my degree for 2 years.

Courses currently teaching at Rocky and previous courses taught at Rocky: 

I am currently teaching Spanish 2 and 3 but have also taught Spanish 1.

What does the Lobo Way mean to me?: 

For me the Lobo Way is people finding themselves and celebrating who they are in a supportive community. 

Interest & Hobbies: 

I absolutely love escaping to the mountains, working in my yard and taking care of my little farm with all of my goats and chickens. I have a strong passion for food and all that it entails (mostly the cooking and the eating). If I am caught inside it is probably because I am eating, reading, or sleeping although I prefer to do all of that outside as well!

Favorite Quote: 

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." -Nelson Mandela

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